The purification of wastewater. Studies of solutions for the municipality of Ambato. Ecuador.

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Santiago Andrés Ortiz Montero
Galo Wilfrido Núnez Aldás
Alex Gustavo López Arboleda
Alex Xavier Frías Torres


Introduction. The quality of wastewater treatment is essentially important for the protection of the environment and the survival of life on the planet. In the city of Ambato. Ecuador does not have an adequate strategy and technology that meets the parameters established by the regulatory entity for these purposes. Objective Provide a proposal for a solution containing the design of a station for the purification and improvement of the quality of wastewater in the city of Ambato. Methodology. The methodology was descriptive, prospective diagnosis, accompanied by theoretical and empirical methods. Results. 1. The design of a station for the purification of wastewater in the city of Ambato is provided. Ecuador; Its characteristics allow to guarantee its reliability and usefulness in solving the problem under study. 2. The wastewater treatment processes differ in each case, given their differences in origin-effluents, agricultural drains, municipal or industrial discharge, implying a correct selection of the technology to be used. 3. It should be planned to incorporate sludge treatment into wastewater treatment, making up the comprehensive set of water and sludge treatment. 4. The effectiveness of the Biodisco alternative is evident, constituting the solution with the best performance in terms of technologies and benefits. Conclusions. The selection of the technology to be used in wastewater treatment plants must be coupled with environmental, economic and long-term sustainability concepts, as an essential component for compliance with the parameters established by the regulatory entity for the protection of the environment. environment and quality of life on the planet. 2. Among the most effective solutions with the best performance, the Biodiscos solution alternative should be evaluated, due to its high degree of technological effectiveness and its contribution to the practical solution.


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Ortiz Montero, S. A., Núnez Aldás, G. W., López Arboleda, A. G., & Frías Torres, A. X. (2021). The purification of wastewater. Studies of solutions for the municipality of Ambato. Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3), 250-270.


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