Wastewater treatment for the community of Hualcanga San Luis, Canton Quero, Province of Tungurahua.
Main Article Content
Introduction. The design of the sewer system and wastewater treatment plant for the Huancalga San Luis community, located in Quero canton, Tungurahua province, arises as a solution to recurring environmental and sanitary issues such as sewer collapses, foul odors, network blockages, and the spread of diseases caused by improper wastewater management. The community faces deficiencies in its sanitation infrastructure, negatively impacting public health and the environment. Objective. This study is based on a detailed diagnosis of the community’s current situation, considering its population growth, topographical conditions, and soil characteristics. Based on this analysis, the objective is to design an efficient and sustainable sewer system and treatment plant that comply with current regulations and adapt to local needs. The research includes a theoretical framework covering fundamental concepts of sanitation, wastewater treatment, and applicable environmental regulations. Methodology. The methodology involves field studies, topographic surveys, flow and water quality analyses, and hydraulic modeling to ensure a proper and functional design. Technical criteria are considered for material selection, network sizing, and treatment technologies that enable effective wastewater purification before final disposal. Results. The expected results include reducing environmental pollution, mitigating health risks, improving residents' quality of life, and complying with technical regulations. Implementing this infrastructure will contribute to the community’s sustainable development, ensuring proper wastewater management and promoting a healthier environment. Conclusion. The implementation of the sewage system and the treatment plant will improve the quality of life in Huancalga San Luis, reducing pollution and health risks. This project guarantees efficient and sustainable management of wastewater, promoting a healthier environment. General Area of Study: Environmental sanitation. Specific area of study: Wastewater treatment. Type of study: Original articles.
Article Details
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