Comparison of the RIPASA and Modified Alvarado Scale in the determination of Appendicetomy through ROC Curves

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Jessica Alexandra Marcatoma Tixi
Héctor Salomón Mullo Guaminga
Natalia Alexandra Pérez Londo
Mayra Yolanda Almache Caiza


Introduction. Acute appendicitis is a sudden disease that occurs at any stage of life, it is the first cause of surgical care in the emergency service of all hospitals and among the treatments is the appendectomy. Objective. Identify the most robust scale between the Modified Alvarado and the RIPASA scale to discriminate the need for surgery in patients diagnosed with acute appendicitis. Methodology. The research design was exploratory with information collected in the period June 2010 - January 2019, the data matrix compiled information from 400 medical records of patients treated in the emergency service of the Riobamba General Teaching Hospital with said anomaly, considering 18 variables; 5 quantitative type and 13 statistical variables. Prior to the analysis, imputation of missing data was carried out, with the help of the mode for variable variables and through regression for quantitative variables. Results. Of the appendectomized patients, 50.8% correspond to men and 49.3% to women, on the other hand, 50% of the patients are less than or equal to 24 years of age. Grade II appendicitis is the most common in the study (phlegmonous appendicitis), among the main symptoms that help to diagnose appendicitis are migratory pain (71.5%) and pain in the right iliac fossa (98%). Regarding the analysis of the Modified Alvarado scale and RIPASA, it is obtained that the Alvarado scale through the ROC curve has an area (0.583), sensitivity (69.78%), specificity (82.78%), true positive fraction (65.76%) , true negative fraction (20%), contrary to RIPASA with one area (0.594), sensitivity (88.4%), specificity (90.9%), true positive fraction (68.90%), true negative fraction (25.58%). Conclution. It is concluded that the RIPASA scale presents greater certainty when diagnosing acute appendicitis and its use is recommended in the Emergency Services.


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Marcatoma Tixi, J. A., Mullo Guaminga, H. S., Pérez Londo, N. A., & Almache Caiza, M. Y. (2021). Comparison of the RIPASA and Modified Alvarado Scale in the determination of Appendicetomy through ROC Curves. ConcienciaDigital, 4(2), 326-344.


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