Gamification and ICT in education in Ecuador

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Leticia Abigail Mayorga Ases
María José Mayorga Ases
Judith Alexandra Silva Chávez
Santiago Javier Páliz Ibarra


Introduction: Gamification in conjunction with ICT has currently gained ground in the educational field. Combining gaming strategies and technologies with teaching has yielded positive results at all levels of education in Ecuador. However, a limitation in rural areas is the technological infrastructure.  Objective. The present investigation consists of the elaboration of a research that deals with the use of gamification and ICT in Ecuador. Methodology. It identifies relevant research, evaluates the selected studies, analyzes the data, summarizes information, interprets the results or findings, and finally, presents the findings and conclusions of the review in a clear and precise manner, using appropriate citations and bibliographical references to support the arguments presented. Results. Interesting results are obtained among which stand out are the benefits of the use of gamification and ICT in education because there are many resources and the teaching methodology can be customized, however, it depends on the student's commitment. On the other hand, the main challenges are several, from the lack of teachers capable of implementing these methodologies to the infrastructure. Despite the limitations, there are relevant practices such as restructuring of curriculum design, stakeholder engagement. Conclusion. Gamification and the use of ICT have great potential to improve teaching and learning. There are several technological resources at different levels of complexity, however, it depends on several resources. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Collaborative education.


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How to Cite
Mayorga Ases, L. A., Mayorga Ases, M. J., Silva Chávez, J. A., & Páliz Ibarra, S. J. (2023). Gamification and ICT in education in Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 6(3), 6-16.


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