Office automation tools applied in administrative processes in the institutions of the canton Salcedo and Pujilí

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Galo Alfredo Flores Lagla
Diego Fernando Jácome Segovia
Lorena Maricela Paucar Coque
Yadira Paola Borja Brazales


Introduction: The office applications used in administrative processes is the fundamental element in document management. The research allowed to identify the different types of office tools that are used in the management, administration and management of information in the institutions of the canton Salcedo and Pujilí, of the province of Cotopaxi. The research approach is quantitative, descriptive level and cross-sectional, as a technique a survey validated by experts in the areas of interest was applied. The population considered for the study corresponded to the administrative staff of the three public institutions and one private one. Among the results, it is highlighted that female staff is the predominant axis; The activities they carry out are the following: document management, handling of physical and digital information, archival and customer service. Microsoft Word is the word processor used in these institutions with 87.50% acceptance. The most used office applications are Microsoft Word and Excel, the same ones that have become a reference in the 4 institutions due to their multiple benefits. With these office applications, activities related to administrative processes, document management and the preparation of physical and digital information are carried out.


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How to Cite
Flores Lagla, G. A., Jácome Segovia, D. F., Paucar Coque, L. M., & Borja Brazales, Y. P. (2021). Office automation tools applied in administrative processes in the institutions of the canton Salcedo and Pujilí. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3.2), 66-78.


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