Emerging technologies for PYMES in the Sigchos and Latacunga cantons
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Introduction: emerging technologies have had a significant impact on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). With the advancement of these technologies, tools have been designed that have optimized various processes to improve the productivity and competitiveness of companies. Objective: The main objective of this research was to identify the knowledge of emerging technologies in SMEs in the Sigchos and Latacunga cantons. Methodology: this research used a quantitative approach with a descriptive and cross-sectional nature. The survey was used as a research technique, applying a questionnaire with a Likert scale to 46 workers from 6 selected SMEs. Results: the study revealed that 84.78% of respondents are more familiar with virtual assistants, while knowledge of other technologies, such as cybersecurity (6.52%), is much more limited. 69.57% of respondents consider that they do not have adequate knowledge to use emerging technologies due to lack of training, economic resources, and connectivity. 54.35% of respondents are impartial about the benefits of implementing cloud services, indicating a lack of clarity about the benefits of these technologies. 65.22% of respondents agree that there is good internal communication in their companies, which suggests an open and understandable relationship. Conclusions: it is concluded that emerging technologies are a viable alternative for innovation in SMEs, but there are still significant gaps in knowledge and application. The strong culture of internal communication can be a valuable resource to drive technological adoption. General study area: Administration and Economics. Specific study area: Emerging technologies in SMEs.
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