Sustainable territorial management strategies for the Gualaceo canton

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Sandra Marisol Sarango Simbaña
Marco Benigno Ávila Calle
Yonimiler Castillo Ortega


In Ecuador, since 2010, planning experiences have been given through development plans and territorial organization in charge of the Decentralized Autonomous Governments in the case of the Gualaceo canton located in the eastern part of the Azuay province. Aim. strengthen and implement strategies for land use planning that guarantees its sustainability. Methodology. Once the theoretical framework of planning and land use has been reviewed, it is necessary to reflect on its compliance with the evaluation of the PDOT in a given period 2015-2019, based on a documentary review, surveys and interviews of the perception of its authorities and planning technicians.  Results. From the analysis of the research, showing a low degree of compliance in each of the strategies proposed in the phase of the proposal regarding the territorial model and the management model, which allows establishing a proposal for the environmental strategy and the strengthening of the strategies outlined in their plans. Conclution. To guarantee a sustainable land use planning, understanding the vision of the canton with governmental leadership aware of the knowledge of the potentials and weaknesses of its territory.


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How to Cite
Sarango Simbaña, S. M., Ávila Calle, M. B., & Castillo Ortega, Y. (2021). Sustainable territorial management strategies for the Gualaceo canton . ConcienciaDigital, 4(2), 55-73.


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