The effects of Task-Based Language Teaching on the Speaking Skill: A systematic research synthesis and meta-analysis.
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For more than three decades Task-based language teaching strategies have constituted an object of research in second language acquisition. However, a TBLT approach has been fully embraced in some parts of the world while not in others. Despite the fact that there have been previous systematic reviews and meta-analyses investigating TBLT implementation, there is still the need for a synthesis of the effects of tasks on oral production. This paper provides a systematic research synthesis of different TBLT interventions on spoken production. In total, 61 published studies were retrieved, coded, and analyzed following established coding procedures for systematic reviews. Additionally, 11 studies were also meta-analyzed so as to research the overall effects of the application of a TBLT speaking strategy as treatment in different contexts. The findings unveiled a medium to large effect of (d=0.78) for TBLT interventions on oral production. The synthesis across qualitative and quantitative data also revealed a positive impact of Task Repetition and Pre-task planning for the enhancement of linguistic complexity, accuracy and fluency dimensions of the speaking skill. The study concludes with implications for the implementation of a TBLT strategy in L2 teaching-learning process.
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