Grassland monitoring of the paramo a climate change measurement strategy in the Chimborazo Fauna Production Reserve
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The Chimborazo Fauna Production Reserve (RPFCH) is one of the most important protected areas in Ecuador whose fundamental objective is the preservation of the fauna and flora of the Andes, this work was carried out with the purpose of monitoring the grassland of the paramo, which is One of the eight plant formations that the reserve has to evaluate the changes that this altimontano ecosystem undergoes due to climate change, 128 orthophotos from the entire study area were used and with the help of the Arc Gis 10.1 software, everything related to cartography, for statistical analysis, the formulas of the Forest Management Manual of Andalusia were used, where the number of sample units was defined, working with 5% error and 95% certainty, optimal plots were used where the size of the approximate sample to estimate p with a limit of B for the estimation error, to inventory the flora the GLORIA methodology was used by the survey of four quadrants of 1 m2 x 1 m2 in 10 plots where the wealth, abundance, dominance and IVIE were established, the results of which were tabulated by the PAST 4.0 software, the sampling effort was validated with the help of the Eco Sim software, it was specified that the Poaceae, Asteraceae and Apiaceae families are the most dominant, alpha diversity indicated a value of 0.95 for the Simpson index and for Shannon Wiener of 3.31 high values for biological diversity, a value of 0.67% in similarity Floristics (beta) Due to the large presence of Calamagrostis intermedia, the Correspondence Analysis determined two ecological niches with 23 species, adding 51.05% of the total of sampled individuals, indicating that these are the most susceptible to disappear due to global warming.
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