Canva as a teaching strategy in cultural and artistic education. A systematic review
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Introduction: The integration of digital tools in education has become essential, particularly in the field of cultural and artistic education, where Canva, an online graphic design platform, plays a significant role. Objective: This study aims to systematize the existing literature on the use of Canva in cultural and artistic education to identify its benefits, challenges, and strategies for effective implementation. Methodology: A systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA methodology, where 15 articles were selected and analyzed after a thorough screening process. Results: The findings indicate that Canva enhances technical skills, critical thinking, creativity, and aesthetic appreciation in students, thanks to its intuitive interface and visual resources. However, challenges such as the need for teacher training and curricular adaptation were also highlighted. Conclusion: The study proposes a didactic strategy that incorporates Canva into cultural and artistic education through five structured sessions, promoting more interactive and creative learning. It underscores the importance of integrating digital tools like Canva to enhance education and learning in the current context. General Study Area: Education. Specific Study Area: Cultural and Artistic Education.
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