Gamification to strengthen Comprehensive Reading in ten years old children
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In the present investigation, the virtual environment Genially was used as an alternative to Gamification to strengthen reading comprehension in students in the fifth year of basic education of the "Amalia Urigüen" Fiscomisional school in Deleg city of the Cañar province. For the development of the work, we began with the elaboration of a reading whose content was related to the environment in which they reside and an evaluative questionnaire according to the Likert scale, formed by with five quantitative variables. This helped to know the skills and abilities that each student has to decode their content, which is the basis for obtaining the information baseline. After, playful methodologies, known as gamification, were implemented making use of technological resources such as Genially to strengthen for reading comprehensive. Finally, the reading was delivered for the second time for its interpretation and execution of the corresponding evaluation, obtaining two results for the respective analysis. In order to know the changes produced with the implementation of the experiment, the two results obtained were entered into the statistical package software for the social sciences SPSS with which it was determined that the average relationship between the pretest and posttest tests are associative, because their bilateral sig is less than 0.05, showing that the results are significant, that is, that to strengthen the comprehension of a reading, teaching can be used through games, which is known as gamification, as well as making use of available virtual media, as in this case Genially that allowed to relate these two teaching methods.
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