Tangible and intangible cultural inventory of La Maná canton, Cotopaxi Province year 2020
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Introduction. The cultural inventory is a tool that is very useful to identify, register and display the movable and immovable property of the canton and its different parishes, at the same time, it is committed to promoting the understanding and social appropriation of the country's cultural heritage, and committing to improve the social capacity for the correct management of wealth. Objective. Prepare a tangible and intangible cultural inventory of the canton, in order to contribute to local development. Methodology. The present study was carried out in the canton of La Maná, where an information survey was developed using the following methods: qualitative, historical, descriptive and synthetic method, which helped to collect concrete and precise information, therefore, the bibliographic research, on-site visits and, the methodology of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage was also used, the field work for the collection of information was carried out in October 2020 with a duration of 30 days during which interviews were conducted with the inhabitants, tourists and representatives of the parishes. Results. The results show us that 86% of those surveyed consider it feasible to draw up a tangible and intangible cultural inventory of La Maná canton, having a total of 58 cultural manifestations within the canton. Conclusion. The collection of information in the field of all the tangible and intangible assets that exist in the La Maná canton was analyzed, it was found that the longest-lived people in each parish are those who carry all the knowledge of the history and culture that they represent in each This is important since it is expected to continue to spread in current and future generations due to the fact that these strengths can be used as an entrance to the canton's economy, increasing visitors who love culture.
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