Effects of nutritive dissolutions of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N-P-K) on the growth of plantules of Juglans Neotropica Diels

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Verónica Susana Guambo Tapia
Darwin Augusto Valenzuela Erazo
Angelica María Saeteros Hernández
Vilma Fernanda Noboa Silva


The production of quality seedlings constitutes a strategy to ensure survival and development and thus face the natural changes and those caused by human activity that endanger forest species. This investigation aims to characterize the morphological response of the provenances of J. neotropics to the nutritive solutions of NPK. This is an experimental, descriptive and longitudinal study that established a randomized complete block design (DBCA) with 262 observations, growth development was evaluated in 65 days from 30 days after sowing; measures of height increase and the increase of the stem diameter of the plants were taken. Descriptive statistical analysis, dispersion and central tendency, analysis of variance, and a cluster were executed to determine clusters of growth patterns with respect to provenances. Significant differences were found in the response of the plants and where T6 obtained the best results in height and diameter. It was concluded that the best treatment is T6 and with respect to provenances P4 has the best growth values, these results differ from the control and other authors. The cluster procedure by linking Ward through the Euclidean distance grouped growth trends into three groups without finding incongruity factors. Pearson's Chi-square test shows that the three groups found can be associated with the morphological response of J. neotropics from different sources to the treatments. It is recommended to study the genetics of these varieties of J. neotropics to show if the origin has generated sub varieties with different growth profiles and nutritional needs.


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How to Cite
Guambo Tapia, V. S., Valenzuela Erazo, D. A., Saeteros Hernández, A. M., & Noboa Silva, V. F. (2020). Effects of nutritive dissolutions of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N-P-K) on the growth of plantules of Juglans Neotropica Diels. Ciencia Digital, 4(1), 236-252. https://doi.org/10.33262/cienciadigital.v4i1.1097


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