Concentration routines in intermediate level tennis players
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The objective of the investigation was to structure concentration routines in the intermediate level tennis players of the Polytechnic Superior School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH) to apply them before, during and after a game or training. The research is descriptive, exploratory, bibliographic field. The deductive method with qualitative-quantitative approach was applied. The sample was intentional with the total population 16 tennis players 16 male and 4 female tennis players who are between 18 and 23 years of age. An initial diagnosis was made through the tennis routines self-assessment test, then the psychological intervention was carried out with the structuring of specific concentration routines for each of the players. The data were recorded, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted and allowed to know that the application of concentration routines becomes a key element of the proper use of non-play time in ESPOCH players.
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