He evaluation of the milk production curves of the Holstein Friesian cows at the Tunshi Espoch experimental station.
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The economic evaluation of milk production in the 2014-2018 period was carried out at the Tunshi-ESPOCH station, for which daily productive records of the cows in production were used, which were analyzed taking into account the environmental factors effects on the production of milk of the different lactations of cows. The characterization included the calculation of lactation days in weeks of adjusted production at 305 days of average lactation considered by the NRC, also based on the volume of milk production (lts) per lactation. The breastfeeding performance adjusted at 305 days was lower in first-birth cows with a production of 2675.37 / lactation, compared with cows of sixth lactation 5160.90 liters / lactation, a value that reflects the physiological and reproductive maturity of the cow, and the genetic potential demonstrated in milk production at this stage of its productive and reproductive life. The yield at peak lactation was lower in primiparous cows which fits a linear equation of fifth with (80.5 liters / week, with an average daily production of 12 liters in the first week of lactation, the same as seen influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic factors which causes them to vary as lactation passes compared to multiparous women, (108.9 liters / week, with an average daily production of 15.5 liters / day, in the first week of lactation; lactation curves are described with a fifth order equation It was determined that cows are more efficient in the sixth lactation, and that the productivity of the cows is closely related to physiological maturity and milk secretion is increased as which reaches its productive maturity
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