Foot reflexology massage as an alternative means of treating hypertensive adults

The advances experienced in the science and the technique, they have transformed to the XXI century into the century of the information that which has their repercussion in the field of the Therapeutic Physical Culture. Therapies of manipulation of the therapeutic massage have been introduced that allow to generate, to solve and to exchange information about the result in their use of these therapies, being promoted a significant socialization of the use of the same ones, to which is not other people's the education. The work arises starting from experiences in the application of the massage Reflexológico Podal in the treatment of mature active hipertensos linked to programs of the Community Physical Activity of the municipality Güines County Mayabeque that from the prophylaxis and therapy constitutes an important base to eliminate signs and symptoms of the illness elevating the functional physical state. The same one has as objective to expose the results of a treatment that it has been applied, sophisticated and used in investigations during several years for the authors and other professionals of the specialty, starting from the knowledge acquired in the work prophylaxis and therapy. In the development of the work the methodology is exposed for the application of the massage reflexológico podal, Steps of Relaxation. Starting from these results you could conclude that the massage influenced positively in the treatment of the HTA in the adult, symptoms found its disappearance with this treatment type achieving high motivation levels and satisfaction for the results in the investigated fellows.

Eugenio Rodolfo González Pérez, Arcelia González Paneque


Characterization of glycosylatedhemoglobin A1c in healthypregnancies

Introduction: in pregnant women with pregestational diabetes mellitus (type 1 or 2) and gestational diabetes the determination of glycosylatedhemoglobinisparticularlyimportantbecauseitscorrelationalvalue has been seen with the development of maternal and fetal complications. Objective: to characterize the glycosylated hemoglobin in the different trimesters of pregnancy.

Methods: cross-sectional analytical observational study in the Manuel Fajardo Gyneco-Obstetric Hospital during he second semester of 2016 to 100 healthy pregnancies that attended the prenatal control; and a control group of 150 healthy non-pregnant women older than 17 years in the population corresponding to the municipality of Güines whomt the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Determinations of glycosylated hemoglobin and fasting glycemia were made.

Results: the healthy pregnant women the average glycosylated hemoglobin was lower than in non-pregnant women, respectively 4.50 % (4.41-4.49) versus 5.21 % (5.16-5.26), P <0.001. In the healthy pregnant group, glycosylated hemoglobin increased with the trimester of pregnancy p <0.05, first trimester: 4.35 (4.20 - 4.47), second trimester: 4.58 (4.45 - 4.70), third trimester: 4.61 (4.14 - 5.08).

Conclusions: during pregnancy the percentage of Hb A1c increases with the trimester of pregnancy, so it is important to determine its reference value for better metabolic control of pregnant women

Yamilé Arencibia Fundora, Ignacio Piloto Rivera, Arcelia Gonzáles Paneque, Merien Bello Ferro
