Introduction. The figure of the main caregiver for people with motor disabilities is vital, not only for the direct assistance provided, but also for the role they play in the general well-being of the person with this condition. Aim. To analyze the psychosocial factors of the main caregiver of people with motor disabilities. Methodology. This investigative work will be developed by applying the observational, descriptive, non-experimental methodology, through a documentary review, of high-impact scientific documents. Results. Some similarities were found regarding the psychosocial burden experienced by caregivers of people with various disabling conditions or chronic illnesses. A consistent finding is the elevated level of stress and emotional exhaustion among primary caregivers. Conclusion. synthesize and efficiently organize the existing scientific evidence in relation to the psychosocial factors of the main caregiver of people with motor disabilities, from a comprehensive vision. General study area: Health Specific study area. Public Health Type of study: Original article.