Diseases caused by inhalation of smog in traffic agents of the Ambato Decentralized Autonomous Government

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Ana Gabriela Altamirano Espín
Gerardo Eugenio Campoverde Jiménez
Ángel Giovanny Quinde Alvear


In the environment there are toxic substances, one of these is smog that is emitted by vehicles, gases that react to sunlight and cause these to be harmful to people's health. In the present investigation, we sought to determine how the pollutants found in the environment can cause occupational diseases in the Traffic Agents of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Ambato (GADMA), since they oversee controlling the vehicular flow in a pedestrian way. and others through motorized means, within the city. The methodology used was cross-correlational. The sample consisted of 263 traffic agents. Once the chi-square study has been conducted, it can be affirmed that the variables are 95% of an independent nature, considering that cough occurs in greater quantities in men than in women. The disease that Traffic Agents usually present is bronchitis, caused to a considerable extent by the toxic gases that are emitted especially by vehicles. The particulate matter in some places exceeds the permissible limits as indicated in table 3, which causes it to cross the lung membrane and cause respiratory diseases. Through the study it is observed that environmental pollutants are those that can cause health problems in Traffic Agents when they are in their jobs, especially those who work on foot since they are in greater contact with these gases. harmful to health.


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How to Cite
Altamirano Espín , A. G., Campoverde Jiménez , G. E., & Quinde Alvear, Ángel G. (2023). Diseases caused by inhalation of smog in traffic agents of the Ambato Decentralized Autonomous Government. Anatomía Digital, 6(3.1), 110-126. https://doi.org/10.33262/anatomiadigital.v6i3.1.2677