Systemic lupus erythematosus, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment

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Justa María Serpa Calderón
Christian Miguel Moncayo Rivera
Diana Mishelle Moncayo Rivera
Carla Alexandra Idrovo Idrovo


Introduction: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or SLE, is an anomalous autoimmune disease with a higher prevalence in the female population of reproductive age. Its etiology is unknown, however, it carries several clinical manifestations and irremediable complications in the short, medium, and long term, being understood as one of the challenges of a greater connotation for different health professionals. Objective: was to determine the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment that SLE entails.

Methodology: Study of bibliographic revision type (RB), with a qualitative approach, previous revision of a protocol that supported its development; 11 studies included, published from 2016 they were obtained from different databases such as Google Scholar, SciELO, Redalyc, Medline, Scopus, Elsevier, Latindex and other virtual health libraries.

Results: SLE is a chronic and inflammatory autoimmune disease of the connective tissue, which affects many organs and joints, including the heart, skin, lungs, kidneys, and the nervous system. The classification criteria of SLE are ACR 1997; SLICC 2012 and EULAR/ACR. It has no cure, but its treatment can be carried out in a conventional, pharmacological, biological, and physiotherapeutic way.

Conclusions: SLE is an autoimmune disease that cannot be healed, but can be controlled and thus prevent damage at the organic level, improving the quality of life of the patient. In Ecuador, there is not an updated register with the number of individuals suffering from this disease.


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How to Cite
Serpa Calderón, J. M., Moncayo Rivera, C. M., Moncayo Rivera, D. M., & Idrovo Idrovo , C. A. (2021). Systemic lupus erythematosus, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment. Anatomía Digital, 4(1), 244-261.

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