Prevalence of bipolar disorder and associated factors in the rural parishes of Cuenca city
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Introduction: Bipolar disorder is a pathology of mood that is characterized by episodes that change between mania and depression; The objective of the study was to know the prevalence and associated factors of bipolar disorder in the population of the rural parishes of the Cuenca city. Materials and methods: A cross sectional analysis study was carried out. The universe was made up of 199,506 inhabitants, through a multi-stage sample 984 individuals from the parishes El Valle, Tarqui and Checa were evaluated. A sociodemographic interview and the MINI test (International Mini Neuropsychiatric Interview for adults) were applied. People 18 years of age and older were included and individuals with severe cognitive and behavioral disorders were excluded. Results: It was found that 32 people had current bipolar disorder corresponding to a prevalence of 3.30% of which 1.42%, were reported as a single disorder. People suffering from mania currently accounted for 1.70% of the population; while that suffering hypomania were 1.50%. A higher percentage was found in the female sex. The only associated factor is not living with a couple, with a chi-square of 11.60 (p: 0.00) with an OR of 2.20 (CI 1.39 - 3.50). There is no association with family structure and functionality, employment status, migration, age and sex. Comorbidities were considered: anxiety and dependence-abuse of alcohol and substances. Conclusions: Bipolar disorder has a prevalence of 3.30%. The main associated factor was living without a partner.
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