Explorador Digital Magazine publishes corrections or retractions following the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ( https://publicationethics.org/guidance ) 2019 version.

Retraction is a mechanism for correcting the literature and alerting readers to articles that have content or data so erroneous or serious that their findings and conclusions cannot be trusted. Unreliable content or data may be the result of honest error, naive errors, or research misconduct.

Retractions may be used to alert readers to cases of redundant publication, plagiarism, peer review manipulation, unauthorized reuse of material or data, copyright infringement, or other legal issue (e.g., defamation, privacy, illegality) , unethical research and/or failure to disclose a significant competing interest that would have unduly influenced interpretations or recommendations.

The editorial board will consider retracting a publication if:

  • There is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable.
  • It constitutes plagiarism.
  • Findings have been previously published elsewhere without proper attribution to previous sources or disclosure to the editor, permission to republish, or justification (i.e., cases of redundant publication).
  • Contains material or data without authorization for use.
  • Copyright has been infringed or there is some other serious legal issue (e.g. defamation, privacy).
  • Report unethical research.
  • It has been published solely on the basis of a compromised or manipulated peer review process.
  • The authors did not disclose a significant competing interest or conflict of interest that would have unduly affected interpretations of the work.

The journal will remove publications as soon as possible after the editor is satisfied that the publication is seriously defective, misleading or falls into any of the categories described above.

If only a small part of an article reports faulty data or content, it is best to correct it through a correction in the print magazine and the electronic version.