Digital Marketing in the management of travel agencies. Dominican Republic Case Study

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Adianez Jaime Oliva


There is currently little research that allows us to analyze, from the point of view of the use of digital marketing, the management of Cuba in comparison with the competing tourist destinations in the area. This article analyzes the digital marketing strategies applied in travel agencies in the Dominican Republic, with the purpose of identifying positive and negative elements of the actions in this destination, which serve as an experience for Cuba. The starting point was a bibliographic analysis, thus identifying the most efficient methodologies and indicators to evaluate the behavior of these variables in the destination. The study used a descriptive methodology with an analytical approach, based on secondary sources of information, expert judgment was also applied, adopting the individual evaluation method. The results still demonstrated deficiencies in the implementation of these strategies in Dominican agencies, which is generalized to all of Latin America; however, they have demonstrated progress, consequently gaining a recent and strengthened positioning in the market. General study area: Tourism marketing. Specific study area: Digital marketing in travel agencies


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How to Cite
Jaime Oliva, A. (2024). Digital Marketing in the management of travel agencies. Dominican Republic Case Study. Explorador Digital, 8(1), 90-113.


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