Puppets as an active strategy in the development of linguistic macro skills

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Ligia Guadalupe Pila Toasa
Katya Mercedes Grados Fabara


Introduction: effective communication in today's world represents one of the most important skills in the formation of human beings, where listening, reading, speaking, and writing appropriately facilitate social skills, interaction in the environment and the development of critical and reflective thinking. But according to the PISA 2022 studies and the INEVAL 2023 results, they reveal that students have low levels in the development of linguistic and literary skills. For this reason, the development of macro linguistic skills is fundamental within the training and comprehensive development of students, especially in the seventh-year levels of basic general education where they go through a transcendental change in education, where the contents of learning advances. Objective: to analyze the use of puppets as an active strategy for the development of macro linguistic skills in secondary basic education students of the Belisario Quevedo Educational Unit. Methodology: the methodology used in this research is applied with a quantitative approach, and with a quasi-experimental design, taking into consideration the main methods for the theoretical, empirical, and statistical-mathematical levels. Results: the results obtained in the research diagnosis through the survey and non-participant observation applied to 17 teachers indicate that students in the classroom do not adequately develop macro linguistic skills, but that, at the same time, teachers consider that The use of puppets would strengthen the classes where the cognitive, procedural and attitudinal part would completely improve in the development of communication, writing and oral skills; On the other hand, with the development of the quasi-experiment, it shows that 30 students representing 83.33% have improved the development of macro linguistic skills with the use of puppets as an active strategy. Conclusions: it is concluded that the use of puppets as an active strategy improves the development of macro linguistic skills in seventh-year students of general basic secondary education, allowing fluid development in their social context, in addition to representing abstract texts in living texts where Also develop emotions. General area of ​​study: Education. Specific area of ​​study: Language and Literature. Type of study: Original articles.


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How to Cite
Pila Toasa, L. G., & Grados Fabara, K. M. (2025). Puppets as an active strategy in the development of linguistic macro skills. Explorador Digital, 9(1), 71-84. https://doi.org/10.33262/exploradordigital.v9i1.3322


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