Emotional intelligence and Tourism: a key link for business growth
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The purpose of this work was to design actions to contribute to the development of Emotional Intelligence in the workers of the Hotel “Tritón”; for which three stages were developed in the research: the synthesis of the conceptual elements related to Emotional Intelligence in the current tourist context, its diagnosis in the Hotel "Tritón" and the design of actions to contribute to its development in said space, with the application of different methods and techniques, including in-depth interviews, the Goleman Emotional Intelligence Test adapted with elements of the 360 test and the criteria of experts. In the research, low self-esteem, little self-control, selfawareness, demotivation, infectious communication, bad teamwork, inefficient persuasion, empathy and poor conflict management were identified as problems in the Emotional Intelligence indicators of facility workers. The proposed actions are aimed at promoting a process of change through the development of various intervention techniques to modify behavior and guide the organization towards a more successful, healthy and competitive environment.
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