Identification of environmental indicators related to the level of biodiversity to determine sustainable urban tourism using geotechnologies. Case study: Riobamba-Ecuador
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The incidence of Sustainable City Indicators turns out to be a key element in environmental management for the cities, which is why the survey of a comprehensive baseline of sustainability indicators in the city of Riobamba, Ecuador is undertaken, as the continuation of a ranking of cities sustainable, among which data from Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca are the subject of a previous study (Verdugo, 2016). The measurement was made in the 5 urban parishes of Riobamba, given that the information is scarce. Eleven variables were collected based on the previous realization of the environmental component diagnosis in a first phase based on the review and analysis of other systems of global, regional and local indicators; Afterwards, it was determined that the areas to be studied will be initially, public space and georeferenced vegetation cover and finally those variables that are decisive in the level of sustainability of the city were weighted to issue subsequent recommendations to this reality.
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