Evaluation of the environmental acting of the hotel ''Sierra Mar –Los Galeones'' with focus multidimensional

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Taylen Peláez Rodríguez
Misleidis Basulto Guilarte


The present investigation was carried out in the hotel '' Sierra Mar-Los Galeones '' with the objective of to evaluate its environmental acting and to contribute this way to the improvement of its managerial environmental administration. For it was designed it a procedure of evaluation of the environmental acting with focus multidimensional. Were applied different methods, technical and tools of scientific investigation. Among them they stand out the methods analysis - synthesis and historical - logical, the surveys, and such statistical procedures. Equally computer programs were used as the statistical package SPSS to process the surveys, the “Decision“ to select and to validate the experts and the MICMAC to determine the key variables. The investigation contributed to the mensuration of the environmental acting of the hotel '' Sierra Mar-Los Galeones'', and also identified the significant economic, social and environmental variables that influence in the same one. It also allowed the validation of the designed procedure.


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How to Cite
Peláez Rodríguez, T., & Basulto Guilarte, M. (2019). Evaluation of the environmental acting of the hotel ’’Sierra Mar –Los Galeones’’ with focus multidimensional. ConcienciaDigital, 2(3), 38-52. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v2i3.855


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