Retrospective study of histopathological grades of mammary neoplasms in domestic bitches

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Lucía Vanessa Cabascango Martínez


The epidemiological and clinicopathological characteristics of mammary neoplasms in domestic bitches are valuable information to analyze the behavior of the disease and are a potential resource to promote advances in mammary neoplasms. The objective of this research work was to evaluate and analyze the classification of histopathological grades in the various mammary neoplasms in domestic bitches and to identify possible risk factors such as age, breed, nutrition and lack of sterilization and how these factors influence in the appearance of mammary neoplasms and the survival time of the patients. The most frequent tumors were complex adenoma, benign mixed tumor, complex carcinoma, and mixed-type carcinoma. The most frequently affected breeds were the Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier, German Shepherd and only the Cocker, with the Labrador showing the highest risk. In general, the data indicate that mammary neoplasms mainly affect entire females, adults older than 8 years of different races; It presents with high mortality and short survival in patients with a large malignant tumor; however, the most affected breeds are not necessarily the most predisposed. Furthermore, feeding factors and early sterilization do not play an important role in the presence of mammary neoplasms in domestic bitches.


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How to Cite
Cabascango Martínez, L. V. (2024). Retrospective study of histopathological grades of mammary neoplasms in domestic bitches. ConcienciaDigital, 7(1.1), 45-56.


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