Degree of knowledge of the families of the Chimbo city, about the responsible ownership of canine and feline pets

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Edison Raúl Mora García
Edy Paul Castillo Hidalgo
Karina Gabriela Calapaqui Gaibor
Kleber Estuardo Espinoza Mora


In our environment the studies of the degree of knowledge of the families of the Chimbo city, on the responsible ownership of pets is null, so we saw propitious to evaluate in a certain way this problem that is latent and increasing around the world. Objective: The objective of this research work was to analyze the degree of knowledge of the families of the Chimbo city, about the responsible ownership of pets in their homes, research conducted in the months of July-September 2022. Methodology: A non-experimental statistic was used, where information was obtained through a questionnaire of questions where we could know what the quality of life of the canines with home is, their habitat and care. In this research we use the interview (questionnaire and survey) in digital format as a method to collect the necessary information and data. Results: The results obtained in this research determine that most respondents have a high degree of knowledge about responsible pet ownership. Conclusions: We could appreciate that there is a high degree of responsibility of most of the tutors surveyed in the various areas so that a pet can enjoy a full life. Science Area: Veterinary Medicine


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How to Cite
Mora García, E. R., Castillo Hidalgo , E. P., Calapaqui Gaibor, K. G., & Espinoza Mora, K. E. (2023). Degree of knowledge of the families of the Chimbo city, about the responsible ownership of canine and feline pets. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.3), 222-233.


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