Metabolic profile and recommendations for physical training after confinement of COVID-19 in students of physical activity and sport training
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Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic forced the educational system to adapt the teaching-learning process to a virtual-telematic modality, not being the training of university students in Pedagogy of Physical Activity, which despite the characteristics of high practical level had to enter a state of physical inactivity that altered their metabolic profiles. Objective: To determine the metabolic profile of the students in formation of the Pedagogy of Physical Activity career and to establish the recommendations of adequate physical training, both in percentage of its components, as well as the type of adequate exercises. Methodology: A study of quantitative research approach, through a non-experimental type of research by descriptive scope and cross-sectional cut, developed in a sample of 460 students of both sexes and from different semesters of training of the career, evaluating their metabolic profile with the help of the MetaV technological platform supported by a statistical analysis with the SPSS version 25 package. Results: Input data, percentages of body fat, muscle mass, residual mass and others were obtained, as well as distribution data by levels of metabolic risk parameters and physical training recommendations by profiles. Conclusion: The research allowed determining that the highest percentages of students by sex groups were in the advanced level by physical training and in athletic, sports and elite entry levels, for which physical training recommendations were proposed by the MetaV system, in addition to physical exercises designed based on the kinematic chains and the biomechanical characteristics of their execution.
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