Identification of health problems as an effect of sedentary lifestyles: A study of teachers during the covid19 pandemic.

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Segundo Víctor Medina Paredes
Rosita Gabriela Flores Robalino
Gabriela Alexandra Villalba Garzón
Janeth del Carmen Barrera Cueva


Introduction. Of the various professions, teaching is one of the most exciting, the fact of sharing experiences and knowledge, learning from others is part of the essence of the human being, making it a way of life requires vocation and full-time dedication, but there are certain health problems associated with sedentary lifestyles. Objective. The study was to identify the health problems as an effect of sedentary lifestyle in people dedicated to secondary teaching; however, due to the problem of the pandemic covid19 the teacher spends several hours a day in telework activities, an average of 8 to 12 hours, of which teachers are dedicated to fulfill their pedagogical work and, in almost all activities remain seated, physically inactive. Methodology. The study was developed through a quantitative methodology with a descriptive approach; the research worked with 104 education professionals of the Atahualpa Educational Unit of the city of Ambato, two groups were established according to gender, 66 women and 38 men; the instrument for the collection of information was based on a structured questionnaire applied through technological tools. Results. The main results show that teachers present various health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, intestinal and gastric disorders, kidney problems, bone system and stress. Conclusions. The data obtained allow, as far as possible, the proposal of viable alternatives for the prevention of integral health and the practice of physical activity in teachers.


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How to Cite
Medina Paredes , S. V., Flores Robalino , R. G., Villalba Garzón , G. A., & Barrera Cueva, J. del C. (2021). Identification of health problems as an effect of sedentary lifestyles: A study of teachers during the covid19 pandemic. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.2), 457-469.


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