Design and analysis of gender-based violence using the random response technique

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Carmen Estrella Morocho Barrionuevo
Tania Paulina Morocho Barrionuevo
Diana Katherine Campoverde Santos


Introduction. Warner (1965) was a pioneer in establishing the random response technique to reduce alterations of the estimators due to false or conditioned responses. From this contribution there were later techniques such as the unrelated response technique proposed by Greenberg (1969) and the random response technique by Liu – Chow (1976). Objective. Compare the random response techniques with the direct response technique, to estimate the true proportion of the sensitive characteristics in the study of gender violence while protecting the privacy of the respondents since by requiring direct responses this information may be altered. Methodology. The samples were established for each technique, thus having a total of 998 out of a population of 2205 students from Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, the questionnaire was composed of 15 items. Results. The random response techniques reveal an increase compared to the direct response technique, according to the estimates and confidence intervals obtained in the results. Conclution. Ultimately, thanks to the study carried out, it is found that the random response technique is more effective than the direct response technique, because it provides better estimators in all sensitive questions, since the questions are the same in both surveys. Also, it was confirmed that the respondents are more reluctant to give their answer through the direct response because perhaps the respondents think that their privacy is not well protected with this procedure. This is not the case in the Greenberg and Liu – Chow technique.


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Morocho Barrionuevo, C. E., Morocho Barrionuevo, T. P., & Campoverde Santos, D. K. (2021). Design and analysis of gender-based violence using the random response technique . ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.2), 338-357.


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