Characterization of speed and wind direction in the province of Chimborazo

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Diana Katherine Campoverde Santos
Amalia Isabel Escudero Villa
Silvia Mariana Haro Rivera


The present research main shows the behavior of speed and direction wind in Chimborazo province; data were taken from 2014 to 2017, it was applied in eleven weather stations located in strategic places inside study area. Also, database was structured according to the WorPlot software requirements for elaboration of wind roses. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed to characterize their behavior, contrast of hypothesis was carried out to identify significant differences on a monthly, annual and stations. Similar behaviors were determined in the wind data between the Tunshi and Urbina stations with respect to the wind direction in months each year; Alao, Cumandá, Espoch, Matus, Multitud, Quimiag, San Juan and Tunshi stations have wind speeds that reached 2.0 m/s, while in Atillo, Tixán and Urbina around 3.0 m/s at 4.5 m/s, determining that the areas with the highest availability of wind energy are located in Tixán and Urbina with speeds exceeding 4 m/s. Finally, with the help of Google Earth, the wind roses were visualized in each station in order to show predominant characteristics through variables studied.


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How to Cite
Campoverde Santos, D. K., Escudero Villa, A. I., & Haro Rivera, S. M. (2020). Characterization of speed and wind direction in the province of Chimborazo. ConcienciaDigital, 3(1.1), 389-407.


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