Mathematical model for the productive and economic development of agroecosystems of the community El Guzo, Penipe canton
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According to United Nations data, the world population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion people by 2050, which reason agricultural and livestock production faces the challenge of strengthening the socioeconomic development of the population and feeding. having to achieve an ecological balance and the sustainable use of natural resources. Due to the aforementioned, there is currently a trend towards cleaner and more sustainable production, allowing resources to be protected so they are used by the current generation and those to come.
The mathematical model for the productive and economic development of the agroecosystem was carried out in the community El Guzo , Matriz parish belonging to the Penipe canton, Chimborazo province, and is built by collecting primary and secondary information from the community, using livestock indicators, agricultural, and economic.
In this study, it was determined that the main agricultural items of the community are: corn, beans, potato, blackberry, grass and fruit, goat Saanen breed, cattle, guinea pigs, poultry (meat and posture), rabbits and fish, these items are representative of the locality and with which strategies can be developed to obtain a sustainable production.
The Agricultural Productive Units (UPAs) were categorized according to their extension in: less than 1000 m2, between 1000-5000 m2, between 5001 and 10000 m2 and over 10000 m2. The study showed that not all items generate profitability, due to factors such as the size of the land.
The study determines that the size of the UPAs is directly proportional to the economic indices, the UPAs whose extension is greater than 10000 m2 are the ones that generate the highest profitability and are the most efficient, the same ones that respond to the equation:
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