Rendimiento académico de la asignatura “Metodología de la investigación científica” en las diferentes carreras de la ESPOCH sede Morona Santiago

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Segundo Enrique Vaca Zambrano
Georing Octavio Zambrano Cardenas
Diego Iván Cajamarca Carrazco
Kathia Dayanara Loja Quichimbo


Introduction. Academic performance is a quantitative methodology that allows to measure the amount of information received by students after having completed an academic period, which must be at least 70% to promote to the next higher grade. Objective. Determine the academic performance of the subject Methodology of Scientific Research in the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, Morona Santiago headquarters. Methodology: the research was developed considering the 64 students: 32 from the Environmental Engineering career, 17 from the Zootechnical Engineering career and 15 from the Mining career; For which the academic evaluation records of the first, second, third partial and final of the period between September 2018 - February 2019 were used, the results were analyzed with the unbalanced statistical model and comparison of means according to Tukey (p<0.05). Results: The students of the Environmental engineering career in the first quarter reached an average of 7.16 / 8.00 points, being statistically different (p <0.01) from the average reached by the students of the Zootechnics and Mines career. The academic performance of the group of students from the three careers analyzed in the second and third quarter was not significant (p> 0.05), while for the final exam the highest performance corresponds to the Environmental Engineering career and the students of the career Zootechnics registered the lowest average.


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How to Cite
Vaca Zambrano, S. E., Zambrano Cardenas, G. O., Cajamarca Carrazco, D. I., & Loja Quichimbo, K. D. (2021). Rendimiento académico de la asignatura “Metodología de la investigación científica” en las diferentes carreras de la ESPOCH sede Morona Santiago. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.1), 166-175.


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