

Published: 2018-01-04

Strengthening of the indigenous peoples of Ecuador

Ecuador is a multi-ethnic and multicultural nation. Its population exceeds 14 million. More than 5.5 million of them live in the Andes Mountains. On the Pacific Coast the figure is close to 6.5 million. In the Amazon jungle there are more than 600,000 inhabitants, and in the Galapagos Islands about 17,000.
Its three continental regions are home to 14 indigenous nationalities with diverse traditions and their own cosmovision. The best known Amazonian indigenous nationalities are: Huairona, Achurar, Shuar, Cofán, Siona-Secoya, Shiwiar and Zápalo. The Tajeara, relatives of the Huaorani, make up another village in the area but this was declared as "intangible" by the State, in respect of their will to live far from civilization.
In the sierra, in the Andes Mountains and in the Austro, there are the Quichuas of the sierra with towns like the Otavalo, salasacas, cañarís and sargueros. In the northern part is the community of the Awa. On the Pacific coast are the cachis, táchalas and huanca vilcas. In the cities and towns live mestizos, whites and Afro-Ecuadorians, although there are also important migrations from the countryside to the city.
In Ecuador there are different indigenous peoples that we can know in depth their roots and customs. Because their language is very elementary for us and know or learn from them their Kichwa language and thus know them better.

Pablo Homero Velasteguí López


Society and illegal immigration

Migrations are no longer what they were in the past, when uprooting, nostalgia and forgetfulness were some of the characteristic notes of these movements. Today the situation has changed thanks to the improvement in the quality and intensity of communications between those who leave and their societies of origin. Both the drastic drop in the prices of telephone calls and airline tickets (and their increased frequency) and the explosion of the Internet have revolutionised the lives of immigrants. However, this improvement is only one aspect of the daily lives of those who, for various reasons, have been forced to leave their countries. They, and their families, here and there, know a large number of problems, some of which are described below.
Globalization and its changes have allowed for improved interpersonal communications between immigrants and their societies of origin. In this way, the links between the colonies of Latin American immigrants and the society they have left behind, including their families, have become more intense. In spite of the great distances, and the fence that the Atlantic Ocean represents, today there is a greater facility to listen to the radio and to watch the television of the countries of origin, as well as to read the daily press. As if this were not enough, it is clear that immigrants are a large market and where there is abundant critical mass begins to develop a communicational offer "Latino" that reinforces the previous trend. The sum of all these novelties allows that the ties with the society of origin are very narrow, that the customs and the native languages are easier to maintain and that the incentives for the integration are smaller than in the past. Added to this is the growing importance of the so-called "nostalgia trade", which allows immigrants to access, without too much effort, their traditional consumer goods, especially food and beverages, but also others, such as the press.  

Efraín Velasteguí López


Market information system for the agro-food sector of the markets of the province of Tungurahua

The entrance of a bachelor to a university is one more step to continue improving, to reach your dreams, goals or desires so that in a future you can have a calm life and prosper next to your loved ones, but if this goal is truncated because the university is very far away and does not have the necessary resources to take advantage of that opportunity. That is why the objective of this work is to explore whether the internal migration that occurs in our country to enter higher education by young high school graduates can be represented as a risk factor in the social, economic and health fields. We designed a deductive, observational and comparative research of all the positive and negative factors that are reflected in this social problem, In my case I am part of this big problematic circle where I have had both economic and family problems to carry my higher education but with the help of people who appreciate me I have been able to continue studying and I know that many young people with the same immigration problem that I have had to drop out of school or resort to the consumption of drugs for not knowing how to face not to continue studying or not to have the support of their relatives and that is where this research will try to bring together all the factors that truncate a student to get ahead, excel and finish their college career.

Yolanda Tatiana Carrasco Ruano


Business plan of tourism offers in the Amazon

The avant-garde trends, not only because it is a modern trend but because "supported by several studies that show that difficult negotiation is no longer good, because there are too many options for all businessmen, as well as for customers that a business plan must have a certain number of attributes. It must be efficient, so it can be useful for present and future investors. Its structure should be simple and clear, and its concepts and explanations are not too technical and avoid jargon to make it easier to understand. It should also be brief, have less than thirty pages and a comfortable format for the eye. The areas contained and analyzed in a business plan are: the nature of the project (all about its objectives, etc.), the market on which the good performance of the business depends, the main product or service related to the company, as well as the characteristics of the latter, and also the economic and financial aspects that should be considered.
There are several aspects of negotiation that are closely related to emotional skills and that should be known and practiced by all business managers, as they are "quite useful and fashionable. As the world continues to move toward more "civilized" human relationships, good manners and the ability to listen and accept positions different from ours are gaining value by the hour. Good business management should try to "keep up" with all these have caused leaving behind the harshness to give way to persuasion and meet the smaller needs of the seeker.

Yolanda Tatiana Carrasco Ruano
