Drug addiction as a social aspect in adolescents

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Efraín Velasteguí López


Drug addiction is a disease that makes the person depend on substances that affect the nervous system and brain functions, having various effects that depends on the type, quantity or frequency that is consumed.

It is considered a social problem since adolescents are a group very vulnerable to legal and illegal drugs because they meet very easily. The main causes of drug use are family problems, psychological, emotional, sociological or are in the stage of puberty.

There are different types of drugs that are increasing their damage due to the process to obtain substances, for example we have marijuana, crack, stimulants, etc., as illegal drugs and as legal drugs alcohol.

The majority of young people begin their consumption due to curiosity or wanting to pretend that they are not, due to family problems, traumas; bringing with it irreparable consequences such as damage to organs, respiratory, psychological, cerebral, etc.

The addiction makes an adolescent more susceptible to theft, murders, since at the moment of being drugged the person loses all their senses.

Drug use nowadays has increased very rapidly due to the vulnerability of the authorities to drug trafficking, due to the deception suffered by the most affected women because they are used with mules to carry out the activity; It is also because of irresponsible people who make it easier for teenagers to acquire legal drugs.

Drug addiction is considered a plague that is taking over the majority of people.


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How to Cite
Velasteguí López, E. (2018). Drug addiction as a social aspect in adolescents. ConcienciaDigital, 1(3), 32-44. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v1i3.899


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