Risk factors and disorders due to folate deficiency in pregnant women

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Rosa María Zambrano Garcés
Sara Carolina Montaño Pérez
Alexandra Nathaly Lema Puin
Franklin Agustin Ruiz Quito


Introduction: Folate deficiency is a health problem that can have significant consequences, especially during pregnancy. Folic acid, a synthetic form of folate, is crucial for cell development and the formation of the fetal nervous system. The shortage of this B vitamin in pregnant women is a major concern in maternal and child health, as it has been associated with serious complications. Objective: Determine the risk factors and disorders due to folate deficiency in pregnant women. Methodology: The development of this study is based on a type of descriptive research that allows analyzing the detailed variables in the theme or main idea. The research carried out has a qualitative approach that is based on the analysis of risk factors for folate deficiency in pregnant women. The descriptive study is based on the analysis of the established variables and analyzing the correlation between both. Results: The critical importance of folate during pregnancy and the harmful consequences that arise from its deficiency. The relationship between a lack of folate and neural tube defects is a central point, since this vitamin is essential for the correct formation of the neural tube in the fetus. Conclusion: Crucial factors that affect folate deficiency during pregnancy were identified, such as inadequate intake of foods rich in folate, clinical conditions such as celiac disease or intestinal diseases, excessive alcohol consumption, and a history of pregnancies with defects. of the neural tube.


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How to Cite
Zambrano Garcés, R. M., Montaño Pérez, S. C., Lema Puin, A. N., & Ruiz Quito, F. A. (2024). Risk factors and disorders due to folate deficiency in pregnant women. ConcienciaDigital, 7(1.1), 68-85. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v7i1.1.2892


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