Family cyber agriculture in time of COVID 19, Guano- Ecuador context

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Carmen Elena Mantilla Cabrera
Daniela Alejandra Zambrano Ríos
Juan Eduardo León Ruiz
Vicente Javier Parra León


Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic generated a socio-economic crisis, making traditional transactions impossible due to quarantine and social distancing, it was necessary to adapt to new forms and family farming is no exception. Digital platforms have supported commercialization involving different actors, electronic commerce for farmers allowed a great technological leap, and an online market was created in Ecuador that contributed to creating a sustainable local food system of mutual benefit between farmer and consumer. Objective. Propose electronic commerce for peasant family agriculture in the Guano Canton in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic. Methodology. The main business models suitable for the commercialization of agricultural products of the Guano Canton were analyzed, the behavior of consumers and producers in virtual stores was evaluated in the framework of the COVID 19 pandemic, a business model was defined for the commercialization of agricultural products and derived from Canton Guano. Results. The study determined that for the Guano Canton the business model is B2C, business to consumer, with a classic merchant pattern. In addition, the design of the web page is presented based on the results of the investigation, with a user profile and an administrator profile with their respective menus for their functionality to support family farming in the Guano canton. Conclusion. The B2C business model for electronic commerce in the Guano canton allowed direct transactions between producer and final consumer. The platform "one click from your harvest" guarantees the management of a virtual agenda where the producers associated with their respective products offered are listed, guaranteeing the producer virtual marketing of their products at a fair price through the standardization of prices, in addition, this achieved that These products are part of the family baskets since the application of the Field School ensures the quality and quantity of production to comply with food sovereignty.


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How to Cite
Mantilla Cabrera, C. E., Zambrano Ríos, D. A., León Ruiz, J. E., & Parra León, V. J. (2021). Family cyber agriculture in time of COVID 19, Guano- Ecuador context. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3.1), 355-380.


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