Botanical and anatomical characterization of 5 timber species of secondary forest in the sector El Rocío, from Loreto canton, province of Orellana

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Eduardo Patricio Salazar Castañeda
Carlos Francisco Carpio Coba
Vilma Fernanda Noboa Silva
Izamar Vanessa Verduga Coyago


Introduction. This research helps to solve some of the urgent needs of the Ecuadorian forestry sector, in order to implement a set of strategies that serve for the identification, botanical and anatomical characterization of timber species, to help reduce the problems of illegal logging and logging. improve mobilization and marketing processes in the territory. At the same time, it serves as the basis for further research related to mechanical properties, physical properties, durability and protection of economically important species. Objective. To determine macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of Apeiba membranacea, Cordia alliodora, Erisma uncinatum, Jacaranda copaia and Virola glycycarpa. Methodology. For the development of the research, the samples were identified in the herbarium of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. To describe the organoleptic properties, a sample with a size of 15 x 8 x 2 cm was obtained and its brightness, color, grain, smell, taste, texture, and marbling were analyzed. For the study of the anatomical characteristics, 2x2x2 cm cubes were prepared to soften them, each sample was placed in a glass bottle with distilled water. The flask was covered with aluminum foil and autoclaved at a temperature of 121 ° C and a pressure of 1.1 atmospheres. Three planes were made with a rotary microtome: transverse, radial and tangential. To observe the anatomical structures of the sections, safranin, Astrablue and Astrablue / Safranin were used. To calculate the density, each sample was weighed and a calibrator was used to calculate the volume. To obtain the pH value, 10 grams of sawdust (substrate) were weighed, which was placed in a beaker with distilled water to form a homogeneous mixture and then the pH value was measured. Results. Astrablue / Safranin staining is the one with the best performance. Each species presented macroscopic characteristics different from each other. According to the smell and taste, three of them have the same characteristics, while for the grain the five species have the same type. Regarding the brightness, they all have it of medium type. Regarding the size of the pores, almost all the species presented medium pores, except Jacaranda copaia, which presented large pores. In relation to the number of pores in Jacaranda copaia the least number of pores was observed, while in Erisma uncinatum the highest amount. Virola glycycarpa has the highest density and Membranous Apeiba the lowest. Two of the studied species presented basic pH and three acidic pH. Conclusions. The species belonging to five different families presented different characteristics.


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How to Cite
Salazar Castañeda, E. P., Carpio Coba, C. F., Noboa Silva, V. F., & Verduga Coyago, I. V. (2021). Botanical and anatomical characterization of 5 timber species of secondary forest in the sector El Rocío, from Loreto canton, province of Orellana. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.2), 131-146.


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