Organoleptic and anatomical description of the wood of five forest species in the Tabiazo sector, Esmeraldas, Ecuador

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Janella Carolina Chila Tenorio
Eduardo Patricio Salazar Castañeda
Víctor Manuel Espinoza


In Ecuador there are large areas of native forest and for some years these areas have been exploited indiscriminately, especially in the province of Esmeraldas. This research was based on organoleptically and anatomically describing the wood of five forest species, coming from the Tabiazo parish, Esmeraldas canton, province of the same name; to generate technical information on the macro and microscopic characteristics of different forest species. To dendrologically identify the five forest species under study, the collection of botanical specimens from the herbarium of the Chimborazo Polytechnic was used. To describe the anatomical characteristics of the five species, cuts were made according to the standards COPANT (1972). The same ones that were exposed to a softening process in a humid autoclave at 121 ° c and 1.1 atm, then in the microtome histological cuts were made to obtain 0.3 micron sheets, they were placed in staining based on a combination of Safranina and Astrablue, while the senses were used to describe the organoleptic characteristics. Motic images 2.00 were used to determine which stain allows the anatomical characteristics to be observed in a better way. Finally, it is concluded that in dendrological identification none of the species belongs to the same family. The organoleptic and anatomical characteristics are different and all the species presented solitary and multiple pores of two and three and one of them presented pores of four. The best staining was combined since structures with better quality are observed.


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How to Cite
Chila Tenorio, J. C., Salazar Castañeda, E. P., & Espinoza, V. M. (2020). Organoleptic and anatomical description of the wood of five forest species in the Tabiazo sector, Esmeraldas, Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 3(3), 164-177.


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