Estrategias instruccionales efectivas para desarrollar habilidades de escucha en adolescentes con TDAH

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Isabel Estefanía Balseca Ponce
Diana Estefanía Ibarra Martínez
Jeremin Adrián Toscano Caisatilin
Paolo Fabre Merchán


Introduction: Natural interactions and understandable linguistic input are essential to build attractive conditions for acquiring the English language. Effective exposure to language, both oral and written, is essential to understanding and producing a language. However, developing listening comprehension skills can be challenging for students with ADHD due to difficulties in attention, behavior, and cognition, as well as the unique characteristics of the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context. Objectives: In this regard, this research aims to document effective instructional strategies to improve listening skills among high school students with ADHD. Methodology: To this end, an exploratory-deductive qualitative research design was applied through an extensive review of the literature. Data were collected from 60 academic sources and analyzed using a neurolinguistic and pedagogical approach using a constant comparative coding method. Results: The results suggest that, to guide students with ADHD in developing English listening competencies, language instructors must build a learning environment that includes simplified inputs and content, clear instructions, multisensory conditions, and student-centered instruction based on individual needs. Conclusions: Simple, linguistically rich, engaging, and multisensory environments facilitate learning for students with ADHD and can have an impact on their overall academic performance and language development. Study Area general: Education. Specific area of study: English as a Foreign Language. Type of study: Literature review.


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Balseca Ponce, I. E., Ibarra Martínez, D. E., Toscano Caisatilin, J. A., & Fabre Merchán, P. (2024). Estrategias instruccionales efectivas para desarrollar habilidades de escucha en adolescentes con TDAH. Ciencia Digital, 8(4), 38-53.


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