The effectiveness of task-based language teaching on the writing skill: a systematic research synthesis

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Paola Vanessa Navarrete Cuesta
Alberto Medina Fernández


Introduction. This systematic research synthesis investigated the effectiveness of Task-based language teaching interventions on L2 writing performance of intermediate level students. Objective. The main aim was to determine the effects of independent variable manipulations of task-based language teaching on different modes of writing measured holistically and by means of CALF constructs. Methodology. The integration of qualitative and quantitative data was carried out by means of a systematic literature search and retrieval of published articles from 2010 until September 2011. Substantive and methodological features of the studies were coded and compared for the identification of commonly used practices and trends within the Task-based language teaching and L2 writing research domain. Results. The results indicate 3 major types of task-based interventions: TBLT framework, task complexity manipulations and task planning conditions have prevailed as treatments. Task complexity treatments have had beneficial effects on measures of fluency and lexical complexity while strategic planning and planning time also favored fluency in L2 writing. In turn, TBLT framework lesson treatments yielded large effects measured as Cohen’s d. Conclusion. In spite of the wide variety of treatment conditions and outcome measures for different modes of L2 writing, support is given to the importance of the pre-task cycle stage management of TBLT for intermediate level learners.


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Navarrete Cuesta, P. V., & Fernández, A. M. (2022). The effectiveness of task-based language teaching on the writing skill: a systematic research synthesis. Ciencia Digital, 6(1), 27-46.


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