Aluminum-silicon alloy materials applied in the manufacture of parts of alternative internal combustion engines Part I

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Gustavo Barona López
Luis Efraín Velasteguí


This paper presents a systematic knowledge of the chemical composition, type of molding and treatment, mechanical and thermal properties, of aluminium-silicon (Al-Si) alloys applied in the manufacture of structural parts of reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE), with the aim of providing support for the development of researches when compare, analyze or select the presented alloys. For which, a first paper is presented, which indicates, the structural parts of these types of engines are manufactured with Al-Si alloys. The paper begins with concepts, characteristics and classification of RICE. Subsequently, the characteristics, function of the parts, work cycles and other aspects of the Otto four- and two-stroke RICE are described, in addition to the Al-Si alloy cylinder block, and the structural parts of Otto engines made of Al-Si alloys are shown. To deepen the issue, the characteristics and the duty cycle of diesel engines have been written. Finally, a summary of characteristics of the Diesel and Otto engine was prepared. The paper shows as a result a systematization of the subjects investigated where Al-Si alloys integrate the structural parts of the RICE used in different industrial applications.


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How to Cite
Barona López, G., & Velasteguí, L. E. (2019). Aluminum-silicon alloy materials applied in the manufacture of parts of alternative internal combustion engines Part I. Ciencia Digital, 3(3.2), 302-313.


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