Treatment of chronic subdural hematoma: case

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María Isabel Uyaguari Yunga
Larry Miguel Torres Criollo


Introduction: Chronic subdural hematoma is a disease characterized by a collection of blood in the subdural space (dura mater and arachnoid), it is one of the most frequent types of subarachnoid hemorrhage and if the correct treatment is given to patients with this pathology, they have a favorable diagnosis. Objective: to determine the management of chronic subdural hematoma in a 62-year-old patient at the San José Hospital in the City of Azogues. Clinical case description: 62-year-old male patient, married, from Tulcán, resident in Cuenca-Ecuador, with primary education, bricklayer occupation, mestizo race, Jehovah's Witness religion, ORH+ blood type. With a diagnosis of chronic subdural hematoma, with no pathological history. Evolution: After the surgical procedure, the patient goes to the recovery room with post-surgery and then goes to the respective room with anti-cerebral edema measures, 0.9% saline solution, anticonvulsant, antibiotic, analgesics, as well as corticosteroids, after a day of patient recovery, he is discharged. in good condition, conscious, alert, and oriented in time, space and person with a Glasgow scale of 15/15, photoreactive pupils, isochoric, and the drain is removed under asepsis and antisepsis standards and is sutured, and the patient is sent home with outpatient pharmacological treatment. Conclusion: Such was the exposed clinical case, thus ensuring the physical, mental, and social well-being of the individual.


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How to Cite
Uyaguari Yunga, M. I., & Torres Criollo, L. M. (2023). Treatment of chronic subdural hematoma: case. Ciencia Digital, 7(1), 205-217.


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