Teaching students with intellectual disabilities in high school. Pedagogical proposal for training teachers in the use of Pictoeduca
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Introduction: The teaching of students with intellectual disabilities in Ecuadorian high school is being affected by various challenges that impact the cognitive progress of these learners; although efforts have been made to train teachers, the need for continuous training and updating in inclusive education issues and the use of appropriate technological tools is crucial to maintain effective practices. Objectives: The objective of this study was to generate a pedagogical proposal for the training of teachers in the use of the Pictoeduca tool, for the improvement of the teaching of students with intellectual disabilities in the high school of the Agustín Cueva Tamariz Special Educational Unit. Methodology: A mixed research approach was used, with descriptive and field scope; a sample of a director and 10 teachers who serve students with intellectual disabilities were applied; 3 instruments were applied: a semi-structured interview, a questionnaire, and an observation sheet. Results: As results, it was found that teachers are aware of the limitations of a formative nature, in addition, they are willing to be part of training and to use a new pedagogical proposal that is in accordance with social, educational, and pedagogical realities. A proposal was designed for the training of teachers of the Agustín Cueva Tamariz Special Educational Unit, in the use of the Pictoeduca tool for the teaching of students with Intellectual Disabilities in high school, through a manual and a workshop. The evaluation of the design of the proposal showed positive results, with an understanding of the use of the Pictoeduca tool and the design of resources and activities. Conclusions: It is concluded that this tool has potential for teaching students with intellectual disabilities. General area of study: education. Specific area of study: educational technology. Type of item: original.
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