CANVA digital resource to promote teaching creativity during the teaching-learning process
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Introduction: This research work is based on the study of the CANVA digital resource to promote teaching creativity during the teaching-learning process. Objective: Determine the perception of the use of methodological strategies used by teachers, one in a traditional way and the other through the integration of the digital resource Canva as a teaching resource to enhance the creativity of teachers in planning the teaching-learning process. Methodology: A descriptive, documentary and field approach was used. Regarding the collection of information, surveys were used aimed at the institution's teachers, previously validated by experts. We worked with a non-probabilistic sample of 15 teachers whose selection criterion was that they be high school teachers. Results: 1. The theoretical foundation is conducted from the analysis of scientific articles with the analysis criteria. 2. A comparative analysis is conducted in relation to teaching-learning management through traditional strategies and using CANVA. 3. It contributes significantly to the theoretical-practical enrichment related to the use of CANVA in learning. Conclusion: The integration of Canva as a teaching resource is a strategy that allows promoting creativity and innovation in teaching, awakening motivation, attention, collaborative work and creativity in both teachers and students. General study area: education Specific study area: Different signature
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