Incorporation of passive strategies in the design of a dwelling for tropical mega thermal semi-humid climate, located in Durán province of Guayas
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Introduction: Currently we have a problem not only at the local level but also at the global level, in terms of climate change. Objective: The main objective of this article is passive planning in the project of a house for a Tropical Mega Thermal Semi Humid climate, located in Canton Durán, Province of Guayas so that it meets comfort parameters in the internal distribution of a house. Methodology: The present investigation employs the use of the following methodologies: descriptive and exploratory supported by documentary bases such as field study, since these allow the search for information based on a systematic review through keywords related to thermal comfort, passive air conditioning strategies, in the population where the inclusion criteria for the sample were: research articles, bibliographic data, magazines and digital bases published in the last five years. Results: Based on quantifications of the climate that predominates in the Duran Canton, the necessary parameters have been identified to have thermal comfort in a standard dwelling. According to the information collected, a strategy was determined to provide air currents and generate cooling inside the property. Conclusion: According to mathematical calculations and parameters established in tables, graphs, and diagrams with respect to the bioclimatic tools, it is established that for a housing project for the Duran Canton, in addition to the geometric shape, it is necessary to have a planning that allows thermal comfort at interior of a house. The well-being of the internal spaces and comfort of the property depends on good planning in the design and construction process, such as the implementation of large windows with windows for air flow, overhangs to prevent solar radiation, height with respect to the level of the soil and the incorporation of shrubs to regulate the incidence of radiation.
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