Recommendations for the application of passive bioclimatic strategies in a rainy mega thermal climate, Tena-Ecuador

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Katia Margarita Carrión Atiaja
Juan Carlos Ortega Castro
Beatriz Rivela Carballal


Introduction: the present study aims to provide passive bioclimatic design recommendations for the city of Tena, characterized by being a rainy mega thermal climate. Methodology: the methodology applied was based on the recording of climatic variables (temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, wind speed and precipitation) of the meteorological station of the University of Ikiam with data from 2016. The climatic elements were analyzed in relation to the comfort criteria and bioclimatic tools (Olgyay Bioclimatic Chart, Psychometric Chart and Comfort Triangles). Results: the results showed the need to use the wind, reduce humidity and temperature inside the houses during all months of the year. This allowed us to identify that the main bioclimatic strategies recommended for the city of Tena are related to the orientation and shape of the house, generation of shade, windows, and thermal inertia. These recommendations will enable architectural designers to adopt appropriate passive cooling strategies to improve thermal comfort.


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How to Cite
Carrión Atiaja, K. M., Ortega Castro, J. C., & Rivela Carballal, B. (2023). Recommendations for the application of passive bioclimatic strategies in a rainy mega thermal climate, Tena-Ecuador . Ciencia Digital, 7(2), 95-118.


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