Podcast as a teaching tool in the oral expression of eighth grade students
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The use of podcasts in Latin America and mainly in Ecuador is not encouraging in terms of audience numbers, so it is necessary to educate the community so that they can listen to and produce podcasts. The sample for the study consisted of 34 students in the eighth year of primary school at the Unidad Educativa Remigio Crespo Toral. The experimental design of the study was qualitative and quantitative by means of a survey data collection technique and instrument. The data obtained in the study were processed using the SPSS version 25 statistical package for the Windows operating system. The statistical analyses applied to the samples are descriptive and frequency statistics. It is determined that there is no difference in general, all of them consider above 75% in most of the answers the importance of this educational tool on the classes, being women the most motivated in terms of this educational mechanism, one or one of the female students. Since they were anonymous surveys, they did not consider its use to be useful, and it would be convenient to investigate future mechanisms so that it can be used to attract the students' attention.
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