Evolution of playing systems in soccer: A systematic review

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Frank Gabriel Tapia Jara


Introduction. Soccer is a team sport, turning out to be the most practiced in the world. With the historical passing of the game systems used in this sport have varied from an ultra-offensive system to the present time that variants of systems are used in the same game. Objective. Systematize the theories related to the evolution of game systems in football and their relationship with the optimization of sports performance. Methodology. The research was carried out using a descriptive, non-experimental methodology, supported by the use of theoretical methods and documentary review; allowing the RSL (Systematic Literature Review) to be carried out in a time range between 2000 and 2020. To obtain quality information, a logical order was followed, which included the planning, analysis and evaluation of the results and findings mainly found in databases and high impact scientific articles preceded by the establishment of the inclusion and exclusion criteria determined, under the determination of the search criteria: game systems "," soccer "," sport " evolution. Results. 1. The importance, relevance and timeliness of the investigated topic is determined. 2. The variability and complexity of the game systems in football are not only related to the position that the players occupy within the field, it is a complex, deep process, with multiple views and dimensions. Tactical learning through different game strategies requires a solid cognitive development on the part of the participating footballers in such a way that it facilitates the motor application of what has been learned. Conclusions. The importance and timeliness of the subject is systematized, showing the need to continue deepening it, in order to provide studies that allow to show more intentionally the relationship between the different game systems and optimal sports performance.


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How to Cite
Tapia Jara, F. G. (2021). Evolution of playing systems in soccer: A systematic review. Ciencia Digital, 5(2), 127-148. https://doi.org/10.33262/cienciadigital.v5i2.1620


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